MacVoices #885: Christian Rueb of equinux Profiles Their TubeStick hybrid and The Tube Software Combination

Christian Rueb of equinux provides an overview of their new video hardware/software combination, the TubeStick hybrid and The Tube. equinux has taken a different approach to capturing and using broadcast video on your Mac,...

MacVoices #879: Galen Gruman of InfoWorld Discusses Macs in the Enterprise Market

The attitudes about Macs in the enterprise market are changing, and Galen Gruman, the Executive Editor of of InfoWorld, talks about some of the contributing factors. Galen discusses how the success of Firefox, cloud...

MacVoices #876: Patrick Nugent of Roxio Discusses the Features of Toast 9 Titanium

Patrick Nugent, Product Manager for Toast 9 Titanium from Roxio provides a tour of the latest enhancements to the industry-standard disc burning utility. Patrick explains the differences in the flavors of Toast, and covers...

MacJury #802: The Future of the Mac mini, Yahoo vs. Microsoft and the iPhone as #1 Mobile Browser

The first issue before the MacJury is the future (or not) of the Mac mini, what it is good for, what it could be and why you should think outside the box when considering...

MacVoices #866: Don McAllister’s European Perspective on the MacBook Air, mPlayer in the U.K., Expensive iPhones in Ireland and More

Don McAllister of ScreenCastsOnline discusses the latest addition to Apple's laptop line, the MacBook Air and why he's a happy Air owner, new Apple Stores in the UK, BBC TV shows on iTunes, the...