Chuck Joiner, Jeff Carlson

MacVoices #15203: Jeff Carlson Launches Photoversity with Aurora HDR Guide

Jeff Carlson  has a new home for some of his projects. The new Photoversity site and imprint kicks off with his guide to Macphun's tool for high dynamic range photography, Aurora HDR and Aurora...
Chuck Joiner, Ken Ray

MacVoices #14198: Ken Ray Discusses His Podcasts, His Magazine and His Motivations

Ken Ray is one busy guy. With two well-established podcasts of his own, co-hosting a third, a fourth just launched, and a magazine that is improving and expanding before our eyes, it is a...
Pavel Kozlov, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #19054: ShowStoppers – Iconcase Delivers Visual Notifications of Calls and Messages

An iPhone case no longer just protects your phone, but can add many functions. At ShowStoppers in Las Vegas, Iconcase is a shining example of that…literally. Pavel Kozlov, Sales Director, explains how their case delivers a light...

MacVoices #18182: Chuck La Tournous On Apple Watch, iPhone, and His Health

Chuck La Tournous has had some health challenges, and explains how Apple technology helped him make changes to his life that addressed them. From determination of the issues to making changes in diet and...
Chuck Joiner, Peter Bondarevskyi

MacVoices #14087: Macworld – VOX Will Play Almost Any Audio Format, Including Lossless

At Macworld/iWorld 2014, Petro Bondarevskyi, the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Coppertino explains why you will want to give their new music app VOX a try. VOX will handle pretty much anything...