MacVoices #776 – Don MacAllister Provides A European Look at the iPhone Launch, WWDC Announcements, New Apple Stores and More

Donmcallister1106-1MacVoices’ European Correspondent Don MacAllister of ScreenCastsOnline is back to provide some European perspective on the buzz around the impending iPhone launch, Apple’s announcements at the Worldwide Developers Conference, Leopard, and more. Don’s home town of Liverpool is getting an Apple Store, and he reviews that and two other announced locations, as well as gets in a plea for Mac users in Ireland, reviews the latest in the European antitrust charges against Apple, the not-redesigned Apple web site for Europe and more.

MacVoices #775 – Charlie Wood of Spanning Sync on Putting iCal and Google Calendar In Sync

Charlie Wood of Spanning Sync outlines how his organization’s software allows Mac users to enjoy the best of two calendaring worlds: Apple’s iCal and Google Calendar. With the ability to sync the two applications in both directions, Mac users can take advantage of the advanced sharing and notification features of Google Calendar without losing the familiarity or convenience of iCal. Charlie explains how his “nano company” addresses the ever-present issue of security, delivers personal tech support and more in this look at a new breed of desktop-internet application. Spanning Sync has been recognized by Google as a shining example of the type of software springing up around their online applications and Charlie talks about how they plan to keep it that way.

MacVoices #774 – Tim Westergren of Pandora Discusses the Looming Deadline for Internet Radio and How You Can Help

Tim Westergren
Pandora founder Tim Westergren is back to talk about the dark cloud that looms on the horizon for not only his online music service, but for a large percentage of internet radio. Tim outlines how the proposed change in royalty structure, could put many music services, internet radio and possibly even Pandora, out of business. All is not lost, however. As part of, Tim explains how you can make a difference with just a phone call, email, fax or letter to your Senators and Representatives to support The Internet Radio Equality Act. Tim also gives us a quick update on the recent improvements that Pandora has made that let you listen on your cell phone or at home away from the computer. If you enjoy Pandora or any internet radio station, you need to listen to this edition of MacVoices and act.

MacNotables #742: Dan Frakes Discusses The Features and the Look of Leopard


Dan Frakes
Dan Frakes of Macworld was one of the MacNotables lucky enough to actually be in the room at Steve Jobs’ WWDC keynote. He talks about what the reaction was in the room, the feel of the WWDC keynote as opposed to Macworld Expo keynotes, and whether the expectations of a Steve Jobs appearance are realistic. Dan also shares his thoughts on the Leopard feature set, including the “candification” of the Finder, which features haven’t changed since the initial Leopard announcement last year, and how Apple leverages design to differentiate their products.

MacVoices #773 – Pat Fauquet Makes Sense of Routers, Switches and Hubs


Pat Fauquet
MacVoices’ Tech Guru Pat Fauquet of Dr. Mac Consulting helps make sense out of the hardware aspects of networking. When shopping to create or expand your network you are confronted with many confusing options: routers, switches, hubs, wired, wireless…the list seems to go on and on. Pat attacks the issue by explaining how connectivity hardware has evolved as needs change, and helps you determine what you need by using her own network set-up as an example. Pat also talks about why Apple networking hardware should be your first choice and provides some simple procedures for fixing your network when things go haywire.