MacNotables #740: Adam and Tonya Engst In-Depth on the WWDC iPhone Announcements


Adam and Tonya Engst of TidBITS and Take Control join host Chuck Joiner to provide an in-depth review of all the iPhone-related announcements from Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference. The panel explains why Mac developers are not completely happy with the iPhone development path outlined by Steve Jobs, why tasks are often more important than platforms, and why the iPhone may be more network computer than phone. Adam and Tonya point out why the disadvantages of the iPhone may not really be relevant, explain why Safari for Windows may be iPhone driven, and give some personal examples of why you need to be careful of any software that is marked as “beta.”

Tonya Engst
Tonya Engst
Adam Engst
Adam Engst
Chuck Joiner
Chuck Joiner

MacNotables #739: WWDC Announcements From The Safari Perspective with Ted Landau


Ted Landau
Mac expert Ted Landau delivers a report on the Worldwide Developers Conference keynote announcements by Steve Jobs, keeping Safari at the center of the discusion. Ted comments on how important Apple’s web browser has suddenly become, especially as a key player in the iPhone saga and as a potential second halo-effect generator for the Mac with Windows users. Ted also talks ZFS and 64-bits and whether either matter to most users, revels which of Leopard’s newly announced features turned his head, and tries to justify buying an iPhone when it is released.

MacVoices #772 – MacTech Publisher Neil Ticktin Discusses Their MacTech 25 List of the Most Influential Technical People

Neil Ticktin

The publisher of MacTech magazine, Neil Ticktin, discusses their just-released list of the most influential technical people in the Macintosh community, the MacTech 25. Neil explains the concepts behind the list, the methodology of the voting process and how they work behind the scenes to assure the credibility of the list, and the characteristics of many of those who made the list or the Honorable Mentions. Neil also updates us on some of the recent enhancements to MacTech, including a community search engine, a news aggregator and an AppleScript resource, and how he is developing a new career as a radio personality.

MacVoices #771 – Jeff Gamet’s Font Management Utility Picks, MacBook Pros for Graphics Professionals and More


Jeff Gamet, the author of Designer’s Guide to Mac OS X Tiger, Contributing Editor for Design Tools Monthly and columnist for InDesign magazine and Layers magazine and the newly minted “Font Witchdoctor” is back in the second of a two-part discussion on one of his favorite topics, fonts. Jeff talks about why every Mac user would benefit from font management software, not just the pros, why Adobe Creative Suite 3 users need to pay particular attention to what font management tools work with their favorite programs, and why the newest MacBook Pro laptops represent almost no compromises for the graphics professional, especially when Leopard ships.

MacVoices #770 – Jeff Gamet Discusses Font Management in Mac OS X

In this edition we bestow Jeff Gamet, the author of Designer’s Guide to Mac OS X Tiger, Contributing Editor for Design Tools Monthly and columnist for InDesign magazine and Layers magazine, with the title of “Font Witchdoctor” as he delves deep into the voodoo that is font management. Jeff talks about the different types of fonts and why the selection process is more important than ever in a cross-platform world. Why “you get what you pay for” applies to fonts, where to look for fonts to fit your project, why you might want to nuke your fonts and more are all discussed in the first of a two-part conversation that will benefit the average Mac user as well as the graphics professional.