MacVoices #779 – The iPhone Panel Profiles a Weekend With (and Without) the iPhone


MacVoices has convened a panel of industry experts to discuss their experiences with Apple’s new iPhone. Joining host Chuck Joiner are Pat Fauquet of Dr. Mac Consulting, Paul Kafasis, CEO of Rogue Amoeba, Dan Pourhadi of The Unofficial Apple Web Log and Take Control author Steve Sande of Moveable Beast and The iPhone Ranch. The group started off their adventures in purchasing and activating the iPhone, why “touching is believing, and their impressions of the many features of the iPhone. The panel pick their favorite aspects of the device, talk about what they find missing, their selection of cases and more in a conversation that any iPhone owner or would-be iPhone owner will want to hear.





Pat Fauquet
Paul Kafasis
Dan Pourhadi
Steve Sande

MacVoices #778 – Live Reports from Three Apple Store Lines


Even if you aren’t in line at an Apple Store waiting for an iPhone, you can feel like you are. Pat Fauquet is at Apple Store #1 in Tysons Corner, Dan Pourhadi is in line at the Oakbrook IL Apple Store and Steve Sande is hanging out at the Littleton CO store, all three waiting to purchase their very own iPhone. The team talks about when the lines started to form at their locations, when they got there, and the mood of the crowds. How the iPhones are arriving at the stores at the last minute, some things to note if you’re about to become an iPhone owner, the announcement of the MacVoices iPhone panel and more are all part of a live chat from three different Apple Store lines in three different states.

Patfauquet0703-4 Danpourhadi-2 Stevesande-4
Pat Fauquet Dan Pourhadi Steve Sande

MacNotables #745: Countdown to the iPhone with The MacNotables


The MacNotables take one last look around before the iPhone changes the planet. Jason Snell, Dan Frakes, Adam Engst and Chuck Joiner spend some time discussing how they will cover the iPhone the short and long term and debate how much will need to be written in the long term. The group question whether iPhone development take a similar path to the iPod, explain why users may be more interested in keeping up with the iPhone than with other smart phones and debate the apparent compromises in the iPhone plans.

Adam Engst
Dan Frakes
Jason Snell
Chuck Joiner
Adam Engst
Dan Frakes
Jason Snell
Chuck Joiner

MacNotables #744: Christopher Breen Summarizes The Internet Radio Crisis


Christopher Breen
Macworld’s Christopher Breen has been watching the developing situation with internet radio and the new royalty regulations that have the potential to cripple or kill internet radio. Chris summarizes the history of the situation, explaining where the new requirements came from (discovering a new title for the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) along the way) and what the possible business and political motivations might be. The time to act to save internet radio is now. Chris explains where you can go to become thoroughly informed on the issue and what you can do to help support the legislation that can make the difference. Chris and Chuck then utter the magic word “iPhone” and are off on a discussion of the media storm, the announcement of reasonable voice and data plans for the new device, and why the folks at Verizon are probably kicking themselves.

MacVoices #777 – John Grzeskowiak of RadTech on the Company’s History and Developing iPhone Accessories

John Grzeskowiak of RadTech joins us for a look at the beginnings of one of our favorite Mac accessorizers. RadTech started with real users filling needs of their own while working, of all places, in the medical industry. John tells the story, profiling some of their most successful products along the way. As we all wait for the iPhone to drop, John also gives us a developer’s eye view of product development for Apple’s latest device, talks about the challenges of designing the ideal case for the iPod and iPhone and how it is taking them in a new direction, and shares a personal story of, “Apple: I told you so!”