MacNotables #744: Christopher Breen Summarizes The Internet Radio Crisis

Christopher Breen
Macworld’s Christopher Breen has been watching the developing situation with internet radio and the new royalty regulations that have the potential to cripple or kill internet radio. Chris summarizes the history of the situation, explaining where the new requirements came from (discovering a new title for the Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) along the way) and what the possible business and political motivations might be. The time to act to save internet radio is now. Chris explains where you can go to become thoroughly informed on the issue and what you can do to help support the legislation that can make the difference. Chris and Chuck then utter the magic word “iPhone” and are off on a discussion of the media storm, the announcement of reasonable voice and data plans for the new device, and why the folks at Verizon are probably kicking themselves.


The Downing of Internet Radio by Christopher Breen

The iPod Blog: Day of Silence by Christopher Breen

D-Day for Webcasters as webcasts on KCRW


MacVoices #774 – Tim Westergren of Pandora Discusses the Looming Deadline for Internet Radio and How You Can Help

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iPhone Central

iPhone and the other shoe by Christopher Breen