MacVoices #1391: MacVoices Briefing on the ZeroChroma VarioClear 5 iPhone Case


Chuck looks at the ZeroChroma ViaroClear iPhone case (this version for the iPhone 5), a case that offers a unique kickstand along with several subtle features.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Squarespace. Go to  and click “enter an offer code” under the pricing and put in the “macvoices3” to receive a 10% discount. Squarespace:  Everything you need to create an exceptional website.

MacVoices #1390: Jim Dalrymple on NAMM, Music Creation and Production, Perceptions of Apple, and Blackberry’s Status

Jim Dalrymple  catches up on his activities at the  National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM)  show, and comments on the importance and place Apple holds in the professional music industry from both the creation and production perspectives. Jim discusses some of the developments in digital music tools and how they actually support and help drive the physical and hardware side of the business. Jim also delivers some thoughts on the perception vs. reality of Apple, Blackberry’s latest moves and whether they will or won’t save the company, and more.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Squarespace. Go to  and click “enter an offer code” under the pricing and put in the “macvoices3” to receive a 10% discount. Squarespace:  Everything you need to create an exceptional website.

MacVoices #1389: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Your Passwords

Joe Kissell is back in the U.S., and gives us a tour of the boxes in his new office before digging into his newest, and perhaps most important book yet, Take Control of Your Passwords. Joe shares some key points from his book, issues some surprising contrarian advice on password management, gives some practical advice on what kinds of passwords to use where and when. All that and we hardly scratched the surface of this timely and critical topic.

MacVoices #1388: Neil Ticktin on Virtualization Benchmarks, Microsoft Office Certification and MacTech BootCamp II

Neil Ticktin of MacTech provides a briefing on the results of their most recent virtualization study and how the popular choices Parallels Desktop 8  and VMware Fusion 5 stack up against each other, as well as other options like  CrossOver. Neil also talks about the upcoming  MacTech BootCamp II  event, and the new  Microsoft Office for Mac accreditation  that can benefit serious users as well as consultants.

Get $200 off  MacTech BootCamp II  plus a free MacTech magazine subscription by registering using the special  MacVoices link.

MacNotables #1303: Ted Landau on Macworld/iWorld 2013, LetterPress, iOS Jailbreak and Mac Replacement


In the first conversation since Macworld/iWorld 2013 in San Francisco, Ted Landau and host Chuck Joiner can’t resist the temptation to look back on the show one more time, and comment on why it worked so well. The discussion turns to an article Ted is working on about replacing his Macs with his iPad, why you aren’t at a disadvantage if you don’t start first in Letterpress, and the new iOS 6 jailbreak.

This edition of MacNotables is sponsored by Smile, the makers of the new PDFpen for iPad.

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