MacVoices #14053: Road to Macworld – Don McAllister Counts on Numbers

Our latest Road to Macworld conversation features Don McAllister, who took time off from  recording editions of ScreenCastsOnline and publishing  ScreenCastsOnline Monthly  to talk about the Numbers portion of the iWork suite, and why he selected it as the subject for his session at Macworld/iWorld 2014, What’s New in Numbers 3. Don talks about how Numbers and Pages fit into his production process, the many things Numbers is good for, and why so capable a program seems to get so little respect.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of the brand new  PDFpen Scan+, the best way to scan and create PDFs on your iDevice,  PDFpen 6  and PDFpenPro 6,  PDFpen for iPad,  PDFpen for iPhone,  as well as TextExpander for Mac, TextExpander touch  and DiscLabel.

Smile Software

The Road to Macworld/iWorld 2014
 is a special MacVoices series produced in  partnership with Macworld to preview some of the exhibitors and presentations at  Macworld/iWorld 2014  at the Moscone North  in San Francisco, March 27-29.

Macworld-iWorld 2014

MacVoices #14052: Road to Macworld – Jeff Carlson on iPads, Digital Photos and More

The Road to Macworld  demonstrates how there is something for everyone at the show this year when Jeff Carlson  talks about one presentation and two different conference sessions he’s doing. First, Jeff will be hosting a discussion on the main stage,  Photo and Video Workflows from Mobile to Desktop, with some very experienced panelists from both the photo and video worlds. Then, Jeff will be “performing live” two of his books in sessions with the same names,  The iPad for Photographers  and  Take Control of Your Digital Photos. The former will focus on using the iPad as a work space for viewing, storing and enhancing your photos, as well as a picture-taking accessory to your DSLR. The latter will help solve a problem many of us have: too many digital photos and no organization to them. Jeff will provide some real-world, simple tips to help keep your photo library organized so  that you can find and enjoy your shots.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by  Transporter, the off-cloud social storage drive for sharing, accessing and backing up your files in real time, and the new Transporter Sync that lets you bring your own storage device to the party. Get 10% off the new Transporter Sync with the offer code MV10.


The Road to Macworld/iWorld 2014
 is a special MacVoices series produced in  partnership with Macworld to preview some of the exhibitors and presentations at  Macworld/iWorld 2014  at the Moscone North  in San Francisco, March 27-29.

Macworld-iWorld 2014

MacVoices #14051: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Apple Mail

Joe Kissell  is back after an uncharacteristic silence to discuss his newest book, Take Control of Apple Mail. Joe explains why this book takes a somewhat different approach than previous efforts, and why it remains his email client of choice (with a few modifications). There has been plenty of controversy over some of the changes to Apple Mail, including issues with Gmail. Joe explains why Gmail presents so many challenges, why he’s moved away from it, and offers some sample tips to help you handle your email more efficiently.

This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by Drobo – Smart storage that grows with you and protects what matters. Get 10% off your Drobo at using the code MV10.


MacVoices #14050: Road to Macworld – Allison Sheridan on Avoiding Digital Disaster

While The Road to Macworld  is smooth, life often isn’t. Allison Sheridan of the Nosillacast will be addressing some of those issues in her session,  Avoiding Digital DISASTER! – Life After Death. She explains how her session came out of a set of real-world experiences, what she learned, and how you can prepare for the worst. Who has your passwords to all your critical services and information? What would our significant other do with your hardware? How would they handle your social media accounts? Those are just some of the questions Allison will answer and gives us a few preliminary tips to think about. Allison assures us there will be some laughter along the way as she addresses this critical topic.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by SaneBox, the best way to take control of your out of control email. To get $10 credit when you sign up, visit


MacVoices #14049: Dan Frakes on The Apple TV’s Impact and Home Automation

Dan Frakes is back to talk about the Apple TV and the impact it is having on individual video acquisition and consumption, and on the video industry in general. Is it suitable just for cord cutters, movie fans or those who want alternative video content? Dan discusses why it addresses all those audiences and more. Dan also discusses his forays into home automation and how it is becoming more approachable to a wider, less geek-oriented audience.

This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of the brand new  PDFpen Scan+, the best way to scan and create PDFs on your iDevice,  PDFpen 6  and PDFpenPro 6,  PDFpen for iPad,  PDFpen for iPhone,  as well as TextExpander for Mac, TextExpander touch  and DiscLabel.

Smile Software