Chuck Joiner, Oliver Breidenbach

MacVoices #20097: Oliver Breidenbach On Developments with mimoLive, FotoMagico for iPad, and More (Part 1)

Oliver Breidenbach, CEO of Boinx Software, delivers a preview of an in-development portable hardware streaming product that is based on their video production software, mimoLive. The benefits of that set-up, how the NDI output makes...
Michael Hobson

MacVoices #1142: Macworld 2011 – HRT iStreamer Puts Back What Your Music Lost

In the High Resolution Technologies booth at Macworld 2011, Michael Hobson explains how their HRT iStreamer improves the sound of the music coming from your Mac or iDevice. An external digital-to-analog converter and interface,...
Rick Smith, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #22099: NAB – Broadcast Blinds Solves The Window Light Problem

At NAB in Las Vegas, Rick Smith, CEO of Broadcast Blinds, explains how the installation of their product in your studio, conference room, or even office will help you control the amount of natural light in...

MacVoices #787 – Doug Kaye of IT Conversations On His Projects and His Past, Present and Future As a Driving Force in Podcasting

On the list of the most influential individuals in the area of new media know as podcasting, Doug Kaye definitely ranks in the very top tier. As the Executive Director of IT Conversations, Doug...
Kelly Maxwell, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #14026: CES – Logitech Takes Its Fans To Social Media To Share Their Experiences

At  International CES  in Las Vegas, Logitech was taking social media to a new level by inviting attendees to make a video, win prizes and more. Kelly Maxwell, Logitech's Global Manager for Social Media...