Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

MacVoices #869: Scott Knaster on the Latest In “Switching to the Mac”

Scott Knaster, the author of Take Control of Switching to the Mac has updated his eBook in response to the rising tide of individuals who are interested in switching platforms or at least starting...
Kirk McElhearn

MacVoices #1168: Kirk McElhearn Takes Control of Scrivener 2

If you do lots of writing, or are planning to, Kirk McElhearn can help you do it better and easier with Scrivener 2. In his new book, Take Control of Scrivener 2, Kirk explains...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #19227: Joe Kissell Takes Control of DEVONthink 3

Joe Kissell has written the new Take Control of DEVONthink, a guide to the massive update of this powerful data management program. Joe discusses some of the new features, how he uses it, and how...
Joe Kissell

MacVoices #10122: Joe Kissell Takes Control of MobileMe Again

Author and Mac expert Joe Kissell is back to talk about the second edition of Take Control of MobileMe, Second Edition,, Apple's online service. MobileMe has evolved both over its lifetime, and since the...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #18060: Joe Kissell Updates Books On Passwords and 1Password

Joe Kissell is back for his first appearance of 2018, and talks about new editions of two of his books that are important to anyone who uses a computer or online device of any...