Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

MacVoices #9115: Joe Kissell Takes Control of VMware Fusion 3 for Free

The new Take Control of VMware Fusion 3 is a first for the Take Control ebooks. Author Joe Kissell outlines why it is free (yes, free), and why it is even better than free....
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #19078: Joe Kissell Updates Six Different Take Control Books For Mojave

Joe Kissell makes up for lost time in his first MacVoices appearance for 2019 by highlighting updates to six, count ‘em, six Take Control titles, including: Take Control of Maintaining Your Mac Take Control of...
Joe Kissell

MacVoices #1084: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Getting Work Done on The iPad

Mac expert Joe Kissell is the author of the new Take Control of Working with Your iPad, one of the four Take Control titles focusing on the iPad. Working on your iPad may not...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #18060: Joe Kissell Updates Books On Passwords and 1Password

Joe Kissell is back for his first appearance of 2018, and talks about new editions of two of his books that are important to anyone who uses a computer or online device of any...
Joe Kissell

MacVoices #1173: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Speeding Up Your Mac

In what turns out is the third book in a trilogy of Mac performance information, Joe Kissell has released Take Control of Speeding Up Your Mac. While it didn't start out as a series,...