Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

Glenn Fleishman

MacVoices #1280: Glenn Fleishman Takes Control of BBEdit

Glenn Fleishman starts out by explaining the differences between a word processor and a text processor such as the subject of his new book, Take Control of BBEdit, then dives into the many capabilities...

MacVoices #652: Sharon Aker Helps You Take Control of Your Fonts and Font Issues

Sharon Aker, the author of two new Take Control eBooks, Take Control of Fonts in Mac OS X and Take Control of Font Problems in Mac OS X, takes us on a trip into...
Joe Kissell

MacVoices #12102: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Apple Mail in Lion (and Beyond)

Joe Kissell  has released Take Control of Apple Mail in Lion, much to our surprise. Joe explains why this book is a work of popular demand, and why it is a perfect time to...

MacVoices #7121 – Sharon Zardetto on Taking Control of Fonts in Leopard

Sharon Zardetto has updated her Take Control book on fonts to Take Control of Fonts in Leopard because even though there are fewer font issues in Leopard, there are still many aspects of font...