MacVoices #1251: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Mailplane and Replies Make Your Email Experience Better

In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Reubin Bakker of uncomplex acknowledges their unique way of letting Mailplane users know they were going to be exhibiting at the show, then gets down to what MailPlane offers to those frustrated with their current way of accessing Gmail. Replies, their other product, provides capabilities for companies who need to manage conversations and replies in an email support environment on a large-scale basis.

XLD Studios
This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by XLD Studios. When you need a web site that gets attention for your business, or just need to find out more about how to get more from WordPress, XLD Studios can help.

MacVoices #1250: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – MoneyWorks Delivers Secure Cross-Platform Accounting

In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Feda Karkour of Cognito Software explains the benefits of MoneyWorks, their cross-platform accounting package that scales up as your company’s needs change. MoneyWorks is a true double-entry system, assuring integrity of your data and a clean audit trail when you need it.

XLD Studios
This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by XLD Studios. When you need a web site that gets attention for your business, or just need to find out more about how to get more from WordPress, XLD Studios can help.

MacVoices #1249: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – LiveWorship Delivers Live Event Production Capabilities

In the Macworld | iWorld 2012 OS X Zone, Marty Ford of GeekJam demonstrates LiveWorship, a multimedia control application for managing live events such as worship services. Able to draw from collections of graphics, text and media assets on the fly, LiveWorship, can be used for any live presentation situation where flexibility and adaptability are needed.

XLD Studios
This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by XLD Studios. When you need a web site that gets attention for your business, or just need to find out more about how to get more from WordPress, XLD Studios can help.

MacVoices #1248: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Miraizon Lets You Extract DVD Clips and Convert Video Formats

In the OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, David Salaman of Miraizon discusses his company’s products, including Reframe, a video converter that converts from pretty much any format to any other format, and Cinematizer, a utility that allows you to extract clips from a DVD.

This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by Tropical Software, the makers of TopXNotes, the flexible note-taking software that helps you organize your life.

MacVoices #1246: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Rogue Amoeba Records and Distributes Audio with Piezo and AirFoil

In a very home-like booth on the show floor at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba shows off the ease of use of AirFoil for sending any audio, not just iTunes, from your Mac to AirPlay speakers anywhere in your home, and how Piezo will let you record virtually any audio on your Mac with just a couple clicks.

Owc 2011-150
This edition of MacVoicesTV is sponsored by Other World Computing, providers of high-performance Mac accessories.