Chuck Joiner, Peter Cohen, John Voorhees

MacVoices #16168: The MacJury Creates Their Ultimate Streaming Music Service

The MacJury addresses the topic of music streaming services with a discussion of what features would be included in their perfect streaming services. The importance of components such as  catalog depth, playlist creation...
Bryce Stejskal, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #18098: NAB – Telestream Wirecast’s New Controls and Capabilities

At NAB in Las Vegas, Bryce Stejskal, Product Manager for Live Streaming Solutions and Screenflow for Telestream, goes through the latest enhancements to Wirecast, their long-standing video streaming software. Of special interest is their new control...
Chuck Joiner, Kevin La Rue

MacVoices #15200: Kevin La Rue of Macphun Introduces the New Aurora HDR Photo Software

Kevin La Rue  of  Macphun  is back to deliver another knockout demo of their new Aurora HDR software. You may have played with high dynamic range (HDR) photography before, but this new utility takes...
Chuck Joiner, Todd Herion

MacVoices #14008: CES Unveiled – Okidokeys Lets You Control Your Home’s Locks Remotely

From CES Unveiled  in Las Vegas, Todd Herion, the Product Manager for Okidokeys, explains the capabilities of their system to remotely and automatically control the locks on doors and garage doors at your home. Featuring AES...
Joe Kissell

MacVoices #10122: Joe Kissell Takes Control of MobileMe Again

Author and Mac expert Joe Kissell is back to talk about the second edition of Take Control of MobileMe, Second Edition,, Apple's online service. MobileMe has evolved both over its lifetime, and since the...