Brian Berson

MacVoices #1231: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – FileThis|Fetch Retrieves and Organizes Your Paperless Statements

On the show floor at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Brian Berson of FileThis introduces their new product, FileThis|Fetch. Dedicated to integrating paperless statements from your bills (bank, credit card, electric company, gas company, etc.)...

MacVoices #9107: Michael Cohen’s ‘Take Control of Syncing Data in Leopard’ Includes iPhone 3.0 and iTunes 9

The new Take Control book, Take Control of Syncing Data in Leopard, is out, but not without some last-minute changes. Michael Cohen explains why this book (and this interview) had to be revised because...
Damon Wayans, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15147: AltConf – Damon Wayans Discusses The Inspiration and Uses For His App, VHedz

At  AltConf  in San Francisco, comedian Damon Wayans  talks about his new app, VHedz, that lets you put your own spin on still photos or videos and then share them on social media. Damon...

MacVoices #849: MacVoices at Expo – Glen Aspeslaugh of ecamm network Reviews Their Diverse Product Line

Glen Aspeslagh of ecamm network starts off a review of his company's products by talking about CallRecorder, the solution to automatically record Skype audio and video calls, iGlasses, their utility to improve the picture...
Jay Nelson

MacVoices #1164: Jay Nelson on Quark 9, the Blio Reader and Desktop Publishing 3.0

Desktop publishing and design expert Jay Nelson talks about the next revolution in desktop publishing, and how the upcoming QuarkXPress 9 will fit into the picture. We're talking about the rich-media environments offered by...