Chuck Joiner, Web Bixby, David Ginsburg, Kyle Swager, Guy Serle, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, Eric Bolden, Ben Roethig

MacVoices #23111: MacVoices Live! – Russia’s iPhone Concerns, FCC’s New Rules on Spam Texts (2)

The MacVoices Live! conversation over a Russian ban on iPhones has the panel of Chuck Joiner, Web Bixby, David Ginsburg, Kyle Swager, Guy Serle, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, Eric Bolden, and Ben Roethig contemplating the motives and long term implications, as well...
Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Brian Flanagin-Arthurs, Ben Roethig, Jeff Gamet, Eric Bolden, Jim Rea

MacVoices #23106: MacVoices Live! – Spam and Scams, Apple Shopping, Silicon Valley Bank (1)

The latest MacVoices Live! panel starts off sharing some “Spam and Scams” stories that they have experienced and that might be coming to a device near you. Then, Chuck Joiner, Dave Ginsburg, Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, Ben Roethig, Jeff Gamet, Eric Bolden, and Jim...
Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Eric Bolden, Jeff Gamet, Web Bixby, Mark Fuccio, Jim Rea, Kelly Guimont

MacVoices #23103: MacVoices Live! – The Yellow iPhone; Sharing Your Favorite Podcast (1)

This MacVoices Live! session kicks off with reactions to the new, yellow iPhone by Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Eric Bolden, Jeff Gamet, Web Bixby, Mark Fuccio, Jim Rea, and Kelly Guimont. Who it will appeal to and how it will sell? The...
Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Web Bixby, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, Eric Bolden

MacVoices #23090: MacVoices Live! – Mastodon, Instagram, iPhone Ultra, Pencil Support on iPhone (3)

0 This MacVoices Live! discussion wraps up our Mastodon discussion then crosses over into a variety of short topics. Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Web Bixby, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, and Eric Bolden talk about why Instagram works as a social network, whether Keynote...
Chuck Joiner, Dale Backus

MacVoices #23072: CES – Ohsnap’s New Phone Grip Is Super Thin and MagSafe Transparent

At CES in Las Vegas, Ohsnap was back with a new phone grip that can be applied to any cas and is super-thin when not in use. It provides a secure grip when in...