User Group Report #506: In-Depth, MacSpringFest in Honolulu and Evan Ziolkowski of the Apple Campus Group Advisory Board

We’ve got an in-depth interview with the publisher of one of the best resource sites on the Web for Apple’s presentation program, a spotlight on a regional MUG event in Honolulu, talk with the newest member of Apple’s Campus Group Advisory Board and run down a number of upcoming user group events.

Brian Peat
Brian Peat of goes in-depth on his site and what makes it different from other Keynote-oriented web sites. How taking advantage of the themes that Brian produces can improve your presentations, where to get more Keynote information, and the details of Brian’s special user group offer are all covered in this week’s in-depth interview.

Jeff Cadavona
Jeff Cadavona of the Hawaii Macintosh & Apple Users’ Society provides a look at his group’s upcoming regional event, MacSpringFest and what it will offer to the Honolulu Mac community.

Evan Ziolkowski05
Evan Ziolkowski of University of Wisconson – Madison Macintosh Users Group and the newest member of Apple’s Campus Group Advisory Board talks about Apple on campus, his group, and being appointed to Apple’s volunteer team.

User Group Report #505: Dr. Mac Direct with Bob LeVitus, In-Depth with Mesa Dynamics on Tickershock, Twenty Years of MacCamp and the MUG Center Redesign

This time around we find out about the latest and most innovative tech support service available for the Mac, look at twenty years of a Mac community institution and go in-depth on an RSS newsreader that has some unusual features to offer. We also talk about The MUG Center’s new design and solicit your feedback.

Bob LeVitus
Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus introduces the new tech support service that bears his name, Dr. Mac Direct, and tells us how their team of experienced Mac consultants, including some user group enthusiasts, can solve your technical problems by taking control of your Mac remotely, with guaranteed results or your money back.

Danny Espinoza
Danny Espinoza of Mesa Dynamics talks in-depth about his company’s RSS newsreader, Tickershock. What makes Tickershock different and compelling on a web that is increasingly crowded with newsreaders? Find out how they incorporate the best of several different interface styles and customization options to deliver what may be your new favorite way to view newsfeeds.

Charles DeVore
Charles DeVore of the Portland Macintosh Users Group discusses the production of his group’s fortieth MacCamp, the seminar that is held twice each year in the Oregon rain forest, what it takes to put on the event, what this year’s attendees can expect in the way of courses, and how they can win a Mac mini or two iPod shuffles.

User Group Report #504: Dennis Sellers of Macsimum News, In-Depth with Dan de Grandpre of dealmac, Cocoa Heads & User Group News Updates

We take a look at the hottest new Mac news site, talk in detail about how the #1 deal site on the Mac web continues to grow and improve and how they are interacting with their readers, profile a Mac programming user group and catch up on the latest MUG deals and news.

Dennis Sellers
Dennis Sellers of Macsimum News discusses his latest project, how it grew from a part time idea into the latest news site on the Mac web, what differentiates it from its competitors and the unique resources it offers, including the new Macsimum Newscast.

Dan de Gandpre
Dan de Grandpre of dealmac takes us behind the scenes of the original Mac deal web site, the services they have added to make it even more valuable and how their readers responded to a Southeast Asia tsunami charity project. With almost a year of user group visits under his belt, Dan also provides some thoughts on what MUGs can do to help guest speakers deliver the kind of presentation that everyone wants.

Mark Dalrymple
Mark Dalrymple of Cocoa Heads and author of Core Mac Osx And Unix Programming takes us inside a Mac programming group, what they do, and how they interact and mix with a local mainstream community MUG.

User Group Report #503: Internet TV with iTube, In-Depth with Mariner Software’s President and Campus MovieFest Update

We take a look at the hottest new Mac news site, talk in detail about how the #1 deal site on the Mac web continues to grow and improve and how they are interacting with their readers, profile a Mac programming user group and catch up on the latest MUG deals and news.

Michael Wray
Michael Wray, president of Mariner Software, discusses his company, their MarinerWrite and MarinerCalc products and how they compete with Microsoft Office, their newest offering, MacJournal and how blogging has changed the way everyone looks at keeping a diary, why Mariner is still around when so many others have lost the fight in word processing and spreadsheets, their lifetime upgrade plan and more.

David Roemer
David Roemer of Campus MovieFest returns with an update on how this student moviemaking event has grown and grown, details on the southeast colleges and universities who are participating in this spring’s event, what this year’s premier event at the Fox Theater in Atlanta will feature, and he sees Campus MovieFest becoming even bigger and better in the future.

Craig Stadler
Craig Stadler of East Bay Technologies introduces his company’s two Mac products, iTube and the upcoming iWire Broadcast, what they offer in the way of audio and video media delivery from the Internet, and why they could provide you with topics for your user group’s upcoming meetings.

User Group Report #502: The AppleWorks Users Group & Hacking iTunes

iWork was the hottest software introduced at Macworld Conference & Expo last month. We take a detailed look at where it is, where it is going, and how the world’s largest user group will support their members during the transition. We also talk to a noted author who has various Apple and MUG roots, find out about his projects and how he wants to become more involved with user groups.

Warren Williams
Cathy Merritt

Warren Williams and Cathy Merritt of The AppleWorks Users Group (AWUG) join us to talk about Apple’s introduction of iWork, the building of, “…the successor to AppleWorks,” and how they are already looking at adapting their group and their extensive resources to meet the needs of their members and all the opportunities that the new products offer. AWUG offers resources and benefits that local user groups can take advantage of. Find out about those and more in this in-depth interview with two experts on one of Apple’s most enduring software products.

Scott Knaster
Scott Knaster, author of Hacking iPod + iTunes and MacToys: 12 Cool Projects for Home, Office, and Entertainment talks about his books and what they offer user groups, his latest project, Hacking Mac OS X Tiger, his unsual collection of URLs, and how your group can invite him to be a speaker at an upcoming meeting.