Chuck Joiner, Ted Landau

MacVoices #14150: Ted Landau on the iTunes Bug, Acquisition Roulette and His Magic Number

Ted Landau  starts off by discussing the current round of  acquisition roulette - who might win, who might lose, and who's playing, and ends up talking about prudence in installing software upgrades. In between,...
Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Jay Miller, Jim Rea, Jef Gamet, Mark Fuccio

MacVoices #22156: MacVoices Live! – Apple Store Unionization, iPhone Customer Repairs (1)

The MacVoices Live! panel of Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Jay Miller, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, and Mark Fuccio start off discussing the recent vote by an Apple Store’s employees to unionize, Apple’s response, and what it means for all parties....

MacVoices #9102: Kelly Thompson of iStockPhoto Discusses Their New Legal Guarantee on Their Media Collection

Looking for stock photography, video or audio clips, but are concerned about licensing? Kelly Thompson, Chief Operating Officer of iStockPhoto talks about the latest upgrade to their media offerings, a new "Legal Guarantee" on...
Chuck Joiner, Kirschen Seah

MacVoices #14203: Kirschen Seah Profiles the Upcoming Ada Lovelace Day Promoting Women in Tech

Kirschen Seah helps remind us about  Ada Lovelace Day, coming up on October 14. An inspiration for young women interested in math, sciences and tech, Ada Lovelace was one of the first programmers at...
Chuck Joiner, Jen Moyse of TripIt

MV #16022: Pepcom – TripIt Adds LoungeBuddy To Their List of Travel Services

At  Pepcom's Digital Experience in Las Vegas, TripIt announces yet another enhancement to their essential travel services. Senior Product Manager Jen Moyse covers their new partnership with LoungeBuddy  to help travelers find and use...