Chuck Joiner, Leigh Kessler

MacVoices #1378: Macworld 2013 – Dolly Drive Expands Into Dolly Space

We may have met at Macworld/iWorld 2013 in San Francisco, but Leigh Kessler, the head of Marketing for Dolly Drive, was dressed for another venue as he talked to us about Dolly Space, their online storage/cloud...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #16152: Joe Kissell On Speeding Up, Maintaining, Troubleshooting and Backing Up Your Mac

Joe Kissell is back, and he has been busy. Joe introduces us to his latest Joe On Tech title, Speeding Up Your Mac: A Joe On Tech Guide,  and gives us some samples of...

MV #16005: CES Unveiled – Dopples Connects People Through Their Birth Date

At  CES Unveiled  in Las Vegas, Matt Hagger, the CEO and Co-Founder of Dopples, explains how the “world's first birthday discovery network” helps people meet and connect in a unique way. This edition of MacVoices...
John Brayton

MacVoices #12108: WWDC 2012 – John Brayton of Golden Hill Software Backs Up Google Apps with CloudPull

To wrap up our WWDC coverage, we talked to John Brayton  of Golden Hill Software about their application that downloads and backs up all of your Google applications, CloudPull.  If you use and depend...

MacVoices #876: Patrick Nugent of Roxio Discusses the Features of Toast 9 Titanium

Patrick Nugent, Product Manager for Toast 9 Titanium from Roxio provides a tour of the latest enhancements to the industry-standard disc burning utility. Patrick explains the differences in the flavors of Toast, and covers...