User Group Report #302: The Philadelphia User Group Leadership Conference, Santa Fe MUG, A.P.P.L.E.’s 25th Anniversary, Matterform Media’s MUG Program & MUG Deals

Reminding listeners about the availability of The User Group Report as an MP3 file and encouraging Switcher ideas, this edition also includes these great guests:

Todd Salkovitz of the The Macintosh Business Users Society of Greater Philadelphia profiles his group and discusses why they decided to host a regional user group leadership conference, The Philadelphia User Group Leadership Conference.
Jonas Skardis of the Santa Fe Macintosh User Group and past member of the Apple User Group Advisory Board talks about how his group is organizing specialized seminars to enhance their membership, and why it is a real advantage to have Robin Williams as a founding member of your MUG.
Michael Herrick of Matterform Media tells us why his company has aggressively moved to develop a relationship with user groups, outlines the Matterform User Group Program, what it offers, and what they like to get back from their efforts.
Bill Martens of the Apple PugetSound Program Library Exchange, or A.P.P.L.E., takes us on a journey through the history of his group on their 25th anniversary, describes their ups and downs, and how they now support both MacOS X as well as new projects for Apple II owners.