Dan Berube, Michael Horton, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15164: Dan Berube and Michael Horton Profile The Amsterdam SuperMeet

SuperMeet organizers Dan Berube  and Michael Horton  are back to tell us about the upcoming Amsterdam SuperMeet, and why it is their favorite event of the year. With appearances by Black Magic Design, Adobe,...

MacVoices #1104: The Road to Macworld – Dan Berube and Michael Horton Launch the 10th Year of Final Cut Pro SuperMeets

On The Road to Macworld, we consider a long-running companion event, The Final Cut Pro SuperMeet. Heading in to the 10th year of gatherings of digital video gurus, Daniel Berube and Michael...

MacVoices #688: Don MacAllister of ScreenCastsOnline Discusses His Instructional Video Podcast

Don MacAllister of ScreenCastsOnline describes how his video podcast delivers Mac program training in an informative and entertaining format that encourages users to try things. Don talks about how he selects what programs to...

MacVoices #8138: The Road to Macworld Expo: Michael Horton Talks Up The 8th Annual Final Cut Pro SuperMeet

Michael Horton, organizer of the Final Cut Pro User Group SuperMeet at Macworld Conference & Expo, profiles this year's event in San Francisco. Mike talks about why the SuperMeet supplements but doesn't compete with...

MacVoices #7108 – ToonBoom Animation’s Karina Bessoudo Profiles FlipBoom, The Animation Software For Kids

Karina Bessoudo, the Marketing Director for ToonBoom Animation discusses how their newest product, FlipBoom integrates the concepts of animation into software that is both educational and fun to use. Karina talks about the capabilities...