Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #15196: Joe Kissell’s New Book Helps You Troubleshoot Your Mac

Joe Kissell is back to talk about his latest Joe On Tech book, Troubleshooting Your Mac: A Joe on Tech Guide. He tells us why he wrote this book, and how it can help...
Chuck Joiner, Adam Engst, Bob LeVitus

MacVoices #15189: Adam Engst and Bob LeVitus on the Origins of MacNotables and OS X

Adam Engst  and Bob  â€œDr. Mac” LeVitus  join host Chuck Joiner for another celebration of MacNotables' 10th anniversary. Adam and Bob reveal some truths to Chuck that even he didn't know about how and...
Chuck Joiner, Jason Wudi

MacVoices #15171: Jason Wudi on How JAMF’s Casper Suite Is Ready for iOS 9

Jason Wudi, the Chief Technology Officer for JAMF Software talks about how their Casper Suite is ready on Day 1 of iOS 9 availability to help IT professionals deploy apps and protect corporate assets...
Shelly Brisbin, Bret Terpstra, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15167: The MacJury Discuss Home Automation, Expectations, Wants and Costs

The MacJury takes a look at the state of home automation and the Internet of Things, discussing what they have, what they want and why. Siri, the Amazon Echo and other  hardware devices...
Adam Engst, Tonya Engst, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15163: Adam and Tonya Engst Discuss The New Take Control Books Web Site

Take Control Books has a brand new web site that was three years in the making. Adam Engst and Tonya Engst  give us a look under the hood and behind the scenes at what...