Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

Chuck Joiner, Kirk McElhearn

MacVoices #1334: Kirk McElhearn Takes Control of iTunes 11

In his new book,  Take Control of iTunes 11 the FAQ,  Kirk McElhearn  helps us understand the most radical revision to Apple's music, video and iDevice management software in a long time. Some features...

MacVoices #976: Glenn Fleishman and Adam Engst Take Control of Airport 802.11n Networks and WiFi Security

Adam Engst and Glenn Fleishman talk about the latest updates to the companion Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Network and Take Control of Your Wi-Fi Security. The experts discuss choosing between a Time...
Chuck Joiner, Jeff Porten, Ted Landau, Michael E. Cohen, Kirk McElhearn, Jeff Carlson, Matt Neuburg, Josh Centers, Joe Kissell, Adam Engst, Lea Galanter, Scott Knaster, Tonya Engst

MacVoices #23265: A 20th Anniversary Take Control Authors Reunion (2)

? The 20th Anniversary gathering of Take Control authors continues as Joe Kissell, Adam and Tonya Engst, Jeff Carlson, Josh Centers, Michael E. Cohen, Lea Galanter, Scott Knaster, Ted Landau, Kirk McElhearn, Matt Neuburg, and Jeff Porten explore how e-books have revolutionized the publishing industry, highlighting the advantages...

MacVoices #658: Steve Sande Gets In-Depth with iWeb and His New Take Control Book

Steve Sande, the author of Take Control of iWeb, one of the newest Take Control eBooks, goes in-depth on Apple's web publishing tool, part of the iLife '06 suite. Steve talks about why iWeb...
Kirk McElhearn

MacVoices #1207: Kirk McElhearn Takes Control of the FAQs of iTunes

Kirk McElhearn, the author of Take Control of iTunes 10: The FAQ, Second Edition, provides some guidance on getting the most out of iTunes, regardless of whether you are listening to Schubert or the...