Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #18218: Joe Kissell Updates Take Control of 1Password, And For Good Reason

Joe Kissell is back with an important update to Take Control of 1Password. This is the fourth edition, and a relatively quick update from the previous version. This was necessary because of the rapid changes in...
Chuck Joiner, Kirk McElhearn

MacVoices #14147: Kirk McElhearn Takes Control of the FAQs on iTunes 11

Kirk McElhearn  has just released an update to Take Control of iTunes 11: The FAQ, taking it to version 1.3. Why an update at this time? Kirk talks about some of the changes to...

MacVoices #9109: Kirk McElhearn Explains Why You Need to Take Control of Users and Accounts in Snow Leopard

Kirk McElhearn recently completed his latest Take Control book, Take Control of Users and Accounts in Snow Leopard. If you think you know all you need to know on the subject, you need to...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #23080: Joe Kissell Takes Control of the New Version of 1Password (1)

Joe Kissell has updated Take Control of 1Password to the sixth edition, and our conversation about the new edition starts off helping you understand how and why the move to the Electron version of...
Chuck Joiner, Jeff Carlson

MacVoices #23168: Jeff Carlson Takes Control of Managing Your Files

Jeff Carlson, the author of Take Control of Managing Your Files from Take Control Books, talks about the second edition of his guide to organizing, manipulating, and using your files on Mac, iPhone, and...