David Ginsburg, Warren Sklar, Jeff Gamet, Chuck Joiner, Jim Rea, Guy Serle

MacVoices #22114: MacVoices Live! – Podcast Stats, AirTag Adventures, iOS Ad Blockers (3)

We wrap up the podcast statistics and why they matter in this final part of a MacVoices Live! conversation with David Ginsburg, Warren Sklar, Jeff Gamet, host Chuck Joiner,Jim Rea, and Guy Serle. Then, we discuss some AirTag adventures...
Stefan Mitzkus of Amaryllo, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #16065: CES – Amaryllo Demonstrates A Simple-To-Install WiFi Motion Tracking Camera

At  CES in Las Vegas, we took a look at a motion-tracking camera that simply plugs into any standard electric light socket. Stefan Mitzkus, Manager for Amaryllo, demonstrates the iCamPro Deluxe, an auto-tracking 360-degree...
Chuck Joiner, Lars Felber

MacVoices #19014: CES Unveiled – Eve Goes All In On Siri, With New Smart Home Devices

In Las Vegas at CES Unveiled, Eve showed off some of their latest smart home devices that are Apple HomeKit exclusive. Lars Felber, Director PR, explains why and how they re-branded, and why they decided to...
Chuck Joiner, Linda Tadic

MacVoices #17120: SuperMeet – Digital Bedrock Provides Secure, Managed Data Preservation Options

At the SuperMeet at NAB in Las Vegas, Linda Tadic, the Founder and CEO of Digital Bedrock, talks about the features their data archiving service offers to customers, including how they guard against obsolete file formats, bit rot, hacking,...
Chuck Joiner, Ted Landau

MacVoices #16077: Ted Landau On Buying A New iMac and The FBI vs. Apple Controversy

MacNotable Ted Landau  recently purchased an iMac 5K, and shares his decision-making process on options like fusion vs. SSD drive, amount of RAM, and upgrading the processor. He also discusses the external storage solutions...