MacNotables #627: Jim Dalrymple: Rock and Roll Guitar God?

Jim Dalrymple has been missing from MacNotables and now we know why: he was attending the Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, hanging out with the likes of Jack Blades of Night Ranger, Doug Fieger...

MacNotables #626: Tonya Engst on NoteBook vs. Sticky Brain, WWDC Rescheduling and Origami

Tonya Engst compares and contrasts the notetaking applications Sticky Brain and NoteBook, delivers some thoughts on what each is especially good for, comments on the rescheduling of WWDC and talks about the Microsoft Origami...

MacNotables #625: Andy Ihnatko on What’s Good and What Isn’t in iWork

Andy Ihnatko of the Chicago Sun Times delivers the first in a two-part solo session series on the iWork '06 and iLife '06 suites from Apple. In this edition, Andy talks about the...

MacNotables #624: The Oscars, Docktopus, Keeping Your Apps Open, the Motives of Analysts, and Misquoting Steve Wozniak

The MacNotables take on the Oscars, discuss whether you really should keep all your applications open all day, reports of a "difficult transition to Intel" and the thinking (or not) of analysts, the misquoting...

MacNotables #623: Ted Landau on the Mechanics of Mac Viruses

Ted Landau, the MacNotables resident troubleshooting guru, takes us on an in-depth tour of how some of the new Mac "viruses" actually work - what they do, what files they access, where they place...