Chuck Joiner, Ted Landau

MacVoices #14150: Ted Landau on the iTunes Bug, Acquisition Roulette and His Magic Number

Ted Landau  starts off by discussing the current round of  acquisition roulette - who might win, who might lose, and who's playing, and ends up talking about prudence in installing software upgrades. In between,...
Chuck Joiner, Ben Roethig

MacVoices #23198: Ben Roethig on macOS for the iPad

Ben Roethig believes the iPad has evolved to be more like a Mac, with mouse and keyboard support, and that that evolution should include the macOS. We debate the benefits and challenges of a...
Amy Jackson, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #14011: CES ShowStoppers – TripIt Helps You Get Where You’re Going When The Going Gets Tough

At  ShowStoppers  at CES in Las Vegas, Amy Jackson, Director of Public Relations for TripIt, accepts some high praise from Chuck, then outlines their travel organization service, some of the services that they've added,...
Manish Gorawala, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #14098: Macworld – MLeads Tracks Potential Clients and Facilitates Your Follow-Ups

On the floor at Macworld/iWorld 2014, Manish Gorawala, the CEO and Founder of MLeads gives us a look at his mobile solution for managing sales leads from hot to cold and all points in...
Chuck Joiner, Christopher Breen

MacVoices #14064: Road to Macworld – Christopher Breen on the iPad for Business, Mac 911 and Robyn Miller

The Road to Macworld is all about the conferences, but it's all about all the rest of the show too. Christopher Breen is going to be more than busy at the show. Among his...