MacNotables #721: Adam Engst on the New 8-Core Mac Pro, the Apple TV and Google Desktop (Part 1)

In the first of a special two-part MacNotables discussion, Adam Engst of TidBITS and Take Control reveals his interest in the Apple TV and what the future might hold for Apple's set-top device. Adam...

MacVoices #754 – Victor Marks of Miglia Helps You Get TV on Your Mac

Home theater is the hottest Mac topic around right now, but the Apple TV isn't the only thing you should be paying attention to. Victor Marks of Miglia introduces their new TVMax+, a product...

MacVoices #741 – MacVoices at Expo: CRYPTOCard Brings Corporate-Level Security to the Mac

James Turner, Technical Services Engineer for CRYPTOCard explains how their products help eliminate the need for hard-to-remember, often insecure static passwords with two-factor authentication. Secure your all your server access into one system that...

MacVoices #740 – MacVoices at Expo: RadTech’s New Products for 2007

RadTech chief John Grzeskowiak discusses the new products they are focusing on for 2007, including waterproof notebook and iPod accessories so you can listen to your tunes anywhere...even while swimming or underwater. New leather...

MacVoices #730 – MacVoices at Expo: TechShell Protects Your Laptop While Looking Good

Techshell makes attractive, form-fitting hardshell cases for your Apple laptop, and Haile Bekele, the President of Techshell describes how they work and the fact that they can be one of the easiest ways to...