Johan Plasmans, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #23068: CES – Zens Line of Device Chargers Has Something For Everyone

At CES in Las Vegas, we received a tour of the newest offerings from Zens by CEO Johan Plasmans. They include a new 4-in-1 charging doc, a modular dock that allows you to pick what additions...
Frederic Levy, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #18020: Pepcom – Coravin Lets You Drink Your Wine At Your Pace, Without Pulling The Cork

At Pepcom in Las Vegas, we find out how Coravin solves the problem of wasted wine with their wine preservation system that lets you pour only what you want, without ever removing the cork....
Michael Kintner, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15090: NAB – 360Heros Lets You Capture The Action All Around You

From the show floor at NAB in Las Vegas,  Michael Kintner, the CEO of 360Heros, explains how his product came about and how it uses an array of GoPro cameras to deliver high quality...
Brian "Ephie" Lowinger, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15046: CES – Cocoon Shows Off New Grid-It Enhanced Bags

On the show floor at International CES in Las Vegas, Cocoon, the makers of the Grid-It, show off the latest in their series of bags that keep all of your stuff organized and in...
Chuck Joiner, Patrick O'Neill of olloclip

MV #16028: CES – olloclip Introduces Their Studio System for Better iPhone Photos and Videos

At CES in Las Vegas, we hit the show floor and the olloclip booth to talk to  Patrick O'Neill, Founder and CEO, about their new Studio system that takes the olloclip line of iPhone...