MacNotables #511: TiVo Hacking, Trackballs and Productivity Software with Jason Snell and Andy Ihnatko


Jason Snell and Andy Ihnatko talk about the hardware their productive personas couldn’t live without, their thoughts on the trackball vs. mouse question, TiVo hacking resources and the practice from both a practical and legal perspective. Find out why Jason keeps a PC in the garage and why a broken chair is critical to Andy’s writing.

Jason Snell
Andy Ihnatko
Andy Ihnatko
Chuck Joiner
Chuck Joiner

MacNotables #512: Finder Organization and Customization with Tonya Engst


Tonya EngstTonya Engst goes in-depth and gets intense on how to find things in the Finder and ways to organize your files into easy-to-manage folders rather than having them strewn about on your desktop. Tonya also talks about using the tools and options the Mac OS provides for making your file management easier, and briefly touches on a couple of her favorite utilities that help her manage her busy personal and professional life.

MacVoices #508: Yannis Angelidis of the Hellenic Macintosh Users Group Discusses Macs in Greece


Yannis AngelidisOur initiative to cover the global Macintosh community continues with a look at Macintosh activism in Greece. Yannis Angelidis of the Hellenic Macintosh Users Group (HelMUG) talks about his group, their participation in the upcoming Comdex in Athens, and what it means to be a Mac user in Greece. We also cover the new Red Rock User Group offer and a MUG appearance by All By Myself.

MacNotables #510: Andy Ihnatko on Convergence Devices, Video Alternatives to the iPod and the Longevity of the Quad G5’s


Andy IhnatkoAndy Ihnatko delivers his thoughts on taking video with you but not on your iPod, why the much promoted convergence devices aren’t always what they’re cracked up to be, the one program he insists that his cell phone du jour be compatible with, and his opinion on how long you can expect your bright, shiny new quad G5 to feel “wickedly fast.”

MacVoices #507: Leander Kahney on “The Cult of iPod”


Leander KahneyLeander Kahney, the author of the new The Cult of iPod from No Starch Press, discusses the impact of Apple’s portable music player (now video player) and how it has changed the music industry, the music culture and how music is consumed. The importance of digital rights management in the iPod’s success, the trademark white earphones, the selection of television programs as the first video content and why there is no end in sight are all covered by this expert on the Apple industry.