MacNotables #630: The Vista Delay, The Upgrade Experience of Macs vs. Windows, and 30th Anniversary Product Speculation


In a show taped live at Washington Apple PI, The MacNotables discuss the announced delay in the deliver of Microsoft Vista, the report that half of the Vista code may have to be scrapped, and the differences in the upgrade experience for Mac owners vs. Windows users. We also throw in some speculation on whether there will be any special product announcements and if so, what they might be.

Adam Engst
Adam Engst

Andy Ihnatko
Andy Ihnatko

Chuck Joiner
Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #644: Michael Butler, The Rock and Roll Geek, Talks Macs, Music and Podcasting


Michael ButlerMichael Butler, the host of The Rock and Roll Geek Show, talks about his podcast, one of the very first on the scene back in the early days (read: 2004) and how it has evolved while still staying true to the original model. Michael talks geek by covering what equipment he uses, his collection of Apple hardware, podsafe music and why he pushes the edge. He also talks rock and roll, discussing where Macs are in the music business and how he will be doing shows while on the road with his band, American Heartbreak.

MacNotables #629: Shootout at the MacNotables Corral: Email Clients


Think that the choice of email clients is easy and obvious? Think again. The MacNotables ride into town on their favorite email clients and you’ll be surprised at what programs get the nod and why. Should you use the free option? Pay for a stand alone program? Use part of a productivity suite? Switch to web mail? There are no easy or obvious answers but the panel gives you some things to consider and talk about where they would like to see email go in this bonus-length session.

Adam Engst
Adam Engst

Dan Frakes
Dan Frakes

Andy Ihnatko
Andy Ihnatko

Chuck Joiner
Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #643: Elgato’s Adam Steinberg Talks Home Theater Options and More

Adam SteinbergAdam Steinberg of Elgato discusses their array of products available to help you capture, manipulate and view digital content. Television, HDTV, photos and music all are addressed by Elgato solutions, including the EyeTV and EyeHome models. Adam talks about the home theater options for users worldwide, how the company keeps up with the many different video standards around the world and gives some tips on choosing which Elgato products are right for your needs. Find out how you can win a copy of Elgato’s EyeTV2 software!

MacNotables #628: MacBook Pro Impressions, The Usefulness of External Hard Drives and External Drive Booting Revisited


The MacNotables do some follow-up on the issue of booting Intel Macs and G5 Macs from the same hard drive based on listener feedback, give some first impressions of the MacBook Pro, and the panel extols the virtues of external hard drives.

Ted Landau
Ted Landau

Bob LeVitus
Bob LeVitus

Chuck Joiner
Chuck Joiner