Sights and sounds

MacVoices #14033: Sights and Sounds from New Media Expo and International CES

To close the MacVoices coverage of  International CES,  New Media Expo, CES Unveiled and ShowStoppers, here's a look some of the other sights and sounds of the events, time with friends, and of Las...

MacNotables #721: Adam Engst on the New 8-Core Mac Pro, the Apple TV and Google Desktop (Part 1)

In the first of a special two-part MacNotables discussion, Adam Engst of TidBITS and Take Control reveals his interest in the Apple TV and what the future might hold for Apple's set-top device. Adam...
Chuck Joiner, Dave Ginsburg, Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, Jim Rea, Eric Bolden, Web Bixby, Mark Fuccio, Ben Roethig

MacVoices #23255: MacVoices Live! – Everyone Blames Everyone Else (2)

The discussion of other tech companies blaming Apple continues as Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, Jim Rea, Eric Bolden, Web Bixby, Mark Fuccio, and Ben Roethig look at Apple's pricing structure and its impact on developers, focusing on the 15% commission for those...

The MacVoices Group Completes Delivery of Seventy-Seven Macworld Expo-Focused Shows

The MacVoices Group (MacVoicesTV, MacVoices, MacNotables and The MacJury) produced seventy-seven shows as part of our Macworld Conference & Expo 2009 coverage. You can link to them all here and find out what you...

MacVoices #13159: The Sights and Sounds of WWDC Week and More

We wrap up our WWDC coverage with a fun look back at the some of the sights and sounds of  Apple's  World Wide Developer's Conference  (WWDC),  AltWWDC, The Beard Bash and more. Enjoy, because...