MacVoices #822: MacVoices at Expo – MacPractice Delivers Mac-Based Solutions to Physicians

Mark Hollis, the president of MacPractice, talks about how their software addresses the unique challenges of running a medical office. MacPractice offers customization for over 100 medical disciplines from both the management and clinical...
Tonya Engst

MacVoices #10134: Tonya Engst Takes Control of the iPad with iOS4

Tonya Engst has updated her book, Take Control of iPad Basics, to v1.2. Why a .1 upgrade and what does it mean? Tonya explains before digging into some iPad basic tips for every level...

MacVoices #631: MacVoices at Expo – Pelican Cases Protects Your Equipment in Extreme Conditions

Kevin Murphy of Pelican Products introduces their line of heavy-duty travel cases. Primarily developed for the military and law enforcement, crush-proof and water tight, Peligan's cases will let you take your equipment into extreme...
Andrew Taylor

MacVoices #1041: MacVoices at Macworld – Andrew Taylor of MacSpeech on Scribe, Their Professional Vocabularies and More

At Macworld 2010, Andrew Taylor, Founder and CEO of MacSpeech, updates us on their latest product, MacSpeech Scribe. Andrew explains why MacSpeech Scribe, a one-click solution is the most advanced and easiest-to-use MacSpeech product...

MacVoices #632: MacVoices at Expo – Other World Computing Delivers High-Quality Critical Components For Your Mac

Rikki-Lee Travolta and Chris Stevens from Other World Computing discuss their new 160GB FireWire 400/800 On The Go hard drive introduced at Expo, how OWC maintains quality and adds value to their drives, why...