Mike Evangelist

MacVoices #1241: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Code 42 Software Gets Funding, Improves Enterprise and Individual Backups

On the show floor at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Mike Evangelist of Code 42 Software, makers of CrashPlan, discusses the major funding they recently received, and what it means to both the company...
Feda Karkour

MacVoices #1250: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – MoneyWorks Delivers Secure Cross-Platform Accounting

In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Feda Karkour of Cognito Software explains the benefits of MoneyWorks, their cross-platform accounting package that scales up as your company's needs change. MoneyWorks...
Reubin Bakker

MacVoices #1251: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Mailplane and Replies Make Your Email Experience Better

In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Reubin Bakker of uncomplex acknowledges their unique way of letting Mailplane users know they were going to be exhibiting at the show, then...
Paul Levine

MacVoices #1230: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Rage Software Improves the Ease and Accessibility of Search Engine Optimization

At Macworld | iWorld 2012 in San Francisco, Paul Levine of Rage Software makes good on his promise a few months ago, and shows off SEIntelligence, the new search engine optimization tool that not...

MacVoices #653: Renewed Vision’s Brad Weston Profiles Their Video Presentation Software Products

Brad Weston of Renewed Vision discusses his company's products for producing different types of audio visual presentations for everything from church services to corporate presentations. Renewed Vision's products ProPresenter, ProVideoPlayer and ProVideoSync combine simplicity,...