Chuck Joiner, Shelly Brisbin

MacVoices #15056: iOS 8 Accessibility with Shelly Brisbin

iOS Access for All  is the newest effort from Shelly Brisbin, and this edition takes on the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 8. While Apple is a the top of the...
Dan Berube, Michael Horton, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15164: Dan Berube and Michael Horton Profile The Amsterdam SuperMeet

SuperMeet organizers Dan Berube  and Michael Horton  are back to tell us about the upcoming Amsterdam SuperMeet, and why it is their favorite event of the year. With appearances by Black Magic Design, Adobe,...
Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Jeff Gamet, Jim Rea, Guy Serle, Warren Sklar, Mark Fuccio, Patrice Brend'Amour, Jay Miller, Brittany Smith, Kelly Guimont

MacVoices #21195: MacVoices Live! – Bring Your Own Device vs. Choose Your Own Device (3)

This MacVoices Live! discussion with David Ginsburg, Jeff Gamet, Jim Rea, Guy Serle, Warren Sklar, Mark Fuccio, Patrice Brend’Amour, Jay Miller, Brittany Smith, and Kelly Guimont shifts to a hot topic in the business world: bring your own device (BYOD) vs. choose your own...
Chuck Joiner, Adam Engst

MacVoices #20083: Adam Engst on Smart Assistants, The Effect of Advertising, and Issue #1,500 of TidBITS

Adam Engst discusses the state of iOS 13, iPadOS 13 and Catalina, why our smart assistants aren’t smart enough (yet), and why he is so steamed up about your data being sold. From Netflix to...

MacVoices #925: Macworld Expo – It’s About Time Delivers A New Way To Learn Mac OS X for Switchers

Getting ready to switch to the Mac, or help a friend through the process? You need to see the new training option offered by It's About Time Products. In their booth at Macworld Expo,...