Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

MacVoices #8143: Sharon Zardetto Re-Takes Control of Fonts and Font Problems in Leopard

Font expert Sharon Zardetto has updated her books, Take Control of Fonts in Leopard and Take Control of Font Problems in Leopard, and talks about changes in both the Mac OS and in some...

MacVoices #8118: Andy Affleck on His New “Take Control of Podcasting”

Andy Williams Affleck has just released the newest edition of Take Control of Podcasting and talks about why he felt it was time to update the book. Andy discusses the state of podcasting, how...

MacVoices #516: Switching to the Mac with Scott Knaster

You are probably already a Mac user. You also probably know Windows users who are curious. As the iPod popularity grows, more users are getting a taste of Apple technology and find out they...

MacVoices #967: Jeff Tolbert Updates His Control of Recording and Making Music with GarageBand

Jeff Tolbert has updated his Take Control companion books, Take Control of Recording with GarageBand '09 and Take Control of Making Music with GarageBand '09 with new and updated information, and talks about the...
Tonya Engst

MacVoices #10134: Tonya Engst Takes Control of the iPad with iOS4

Tonya Engst has updated her book, Take Control of iPad Basics, to v1.2. Why a .1 upgrade and what does it mean? Tonya explains before digging into some iPad basic tips for every level...