Take Control

Authors from the Take Control eBook series

MacVoices #990: Joe Kissell Shows You How to Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X

Mac author and expert Joe Kissell is back with his latest work, Take Control of Passwords in Mac OS X. Think nothing changes with passwords? Think again. Joe talks about why paying attention to...

MacVoices #756 – Glenn Fleishman Takes Control of Apple 802.11n AirPort Networking

Glenn Fleishman, the author of Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Extreme Network, talks about how to take full advantage of the latest in wireless networking technology. Glenn tells you you don't have to...
Chuck Joiner, Jeff Carlson

MacVoices #23168: Jeff Carlson Takes Control of Managing Your Files

Jeff Carlson, the author of Take Control of Managing Your Files from Take Control Books, talks about the second edition of his guide to organizing, manipulating, and using your files on Mac, iPhone, and...
Take Control of Safari 6

MacVoices #12121: Sharon Zardetto Takes Control of Safari 6

In her latest book, Take Control of Safari 6, Sharon Zardetto  helps us understand and take full advantage of the new features in Apple's web browser. RSS has been removed from Safari; Sharon talks...
Chuck Joiner Joe Kissell

MacVoices #23220: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Your Paperless Office (1)

Our conversation with Joe Kissell about his new Take Control of Your Paperless Office, 4th edition starts off with how much have changed since the last edition, the accessibility of OCR technology, and how it has become easier to...