Paul Gunther, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #18041: ShowStoppers – Proglove Integrates a Bar Code Scanner Into A Glove For Industry

At ShowStoppers in Las Vegas, Paul Günther, Founder & Product Engineer at Proglove, explains how their wearable tech can not only improve productivity, but also ergonomics for the worker, and also provide both quality assurance and inventory...
Chuck Joiner, Mike Woodworth

MacVoices #16095: Mike Woodworth of divergent media On The Integration of EditReady and ScopeBox

Mike  Woodworth  of divergent media  makes a pre-NAB visit to MacVoices to talk about two of their products, EditReady and ScopeBox. EditReady is a fast, simple yet powerful transcoder for anyone who needs or...
Chuck Joiner, Kirshen Seah

MacVoices #16140: Road to Macstock – Kirschen Seah on Automating Your Mac and Fitness with iOS

The Road to Macstock rolls on with Kirschen Seah of Free Range Coder, who will deliver several sessions at the conference. Kirschen will address methods to automate your Mac, and how to use your...

MacVoices #15183: James Lee of Tropical Software Kickstarts TopXNotes 2

James Lee  of Tropical Software  has a new IndieGoGo campaign that will help their team improve and upgrade their TopXNotes  with new capabilities. Jim outlines what some of the new features are, talks about...

MacVoices #15192: Andy Ihnatko on Ten MacNotable Years, Television and Life Lessons

Andy Ihnatko  checks in for the MacNotables' tenth anniversary by discussing his passion for television and his adventures at the second night of Stephen Colbert's Late Show. Andy also shares his thoughts on what...