Chuck Joiner, Glenn Fleishman

MacVoices #19079: Glenn Fleishman Takes Control of Slack, Your Apple ID, and WI-FI Networking and Security

We caught up with Glenn Fleishman to chat about three of his Take Control Books. The most recent, Take Control of Slack is not only for the new Slack user, but also the experienced individual who wants...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #21092: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Backing Up Your Macs, 4th Edition (2)

Our discussion with Joe Kissell, the author of the fourth edition of Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, continues with more examples of things that have changed in the world of backups. This time, Joe...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #17154: Joe Kissell Updates Take Control of The Cloud

The latest effort from Joe Kissell is the second edition of Take Control of The Cloud, a topic that has become more expansive and involved since the book was first released. Joe explains how he...
Chuck Joiner, Coy Christmas

MacVoices #17001: Unveiled – Coy Christmas of Fasetto Introduces Link, A Personal, Portable Cloud

At CES Unveiled, Coy Christmas, the Founder and CEO of Fasetto, introduces Link, a small device that acts as a personal, portable cloud. Link supports streaming and sharing to multiple devices vial native Wi-Fi...
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #14232: Joe Kissell Takes Control of Apple Mail Again

Joe Kissell  gets one final book in before the holiday season. In the new, second edition of Take Control of Apple Mail, Jim not only updates information for Apple Mail on the Mac under...