MacVoices Magazine

MacVoices Update: Announcing MacVoices Magazine!

MacVoices Magazine is live! Find out why the most recent addition to the MacVoices Group is a must-read, how it is delivered and why Flipboard was selected as the platform. Show Notes: Chuck Joiner is the...
Adam Engst, Andy Ihnatko, Jason Snell, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #14204: Adam Engst, Andy Ihnatko and Jason Snell on The Pebble and the Smartwatch Future

An all-star MacNotables panel of Adam Engst, Andy Ihnatko,  Jason Snell and host Chuck Joiner  got together to talk about smartwatches in general and the Pebble in particular. Why? Because Pebble was arguably the...
Chuck Joiner, Christopher Breen

MacVoices #14202: Christopher Breen on Macworld Changes, The State of Publishing, and Snark

Macworld Senior Editor Christopher Breen  checks in on some of the changes at Macworld magazine, how they are affecting him, and how they will impact what you read going forward. Those changes are not...
Chuck Joiner, Kirk McElhearn

MacVoices #14201: Kirk McElhearn Takes Control of LaunchBar 6

Kirk McElhearn  is back to talk about the new edition of Take Control of LaunchBar  that covers version 6 of our favorite program launching utility. But to brand it as just a launcher is...
Chuck Joiner, Ted Landau

MacVoices #14200: Ted Landau’s iPhone 6 Impressions, the Demise of Macworld Magazine and iOS 8 Keyboards

Ted Landau is back in a conversation that catches us up on his iPhone 6 choices, impressions and opinions. iOS 8 is a key part of the iPhone 6 equation; Ted discusses the new...