Feda Karkour

MacVoices #1250: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – MoneyWorks Delivers Secure Cross-Platform Accounting

In the Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012, Feda Karkour of Cognito Software explains the benefits of MoneyWorks, their cross-platform accounting package that scales up as your company's needs change. MoneyWorks...
Mark Munz

MacVoices #1252: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – TextSoap Cleans Your Text For You

The Mac OS X Zone at Macworld | iWorld 2012 was where we found Mark Munz of Unmarked Software. Mark was showing TextSoap, a clipboard content utility that lets you the text from documents,...
Christa Taylor

MacVoices #1267: Macworld | iWorld 2012 – Sort Shots Helps Organize Your iPad’s Photos with Two Apps

A new exhibitor to Macworld | iWorld 2012 was Sort Shots. Creator Christa Taylor explains how Sort Shots for iPad helps you organize and arrange your photo library via key words, orientation, star ratings...