Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Jeff Gamet, Frank Petrie, Jim Rea, Warren Sklar, Jay Miller, Kelly Guimont

MacVoices #21129: MacVoices Live! – Is the New Safari For You? (3)

The MacVoices Live! panel of David Ginsburg, Jeff Gamet, Frank Petrie, Jim Rea, Warren Sklar, Jay Miller, and Kelly Guimont wraps up this session with their impressions of the new Safari beta that is expected to be standard in macOS Monterey....
Chuck Joiner, Dave Ginsburg, Brian Flanagan-Arthurs, Brittany Smith, Jim Rea, Ben Roethig, Eric Bolden, Jeff Gamet, Mark Fuccio

MacVoices #23229 – MacVoices Live! – Hot AirPods Max, Apple’s Financial Performance (3)

Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Brian Flanigan-Arthurs, Brittany Smith, Jim Rea, Ben Roethig, Eric Bolden, Jeff Gamet, and Mark Fuccio delve into reports of AirPods Max encountering condensation issues, with some panel members questioning the credibility of these claims, particularly in the context...
Chuck Joiner, Dave Ginsburg, Ben Roethig, Jeff Gamet, Web Bixby, Eric Bolden, Jim Rea, Mark Fuccio

MacVoices #24111: MVL – Sam Altman and Jony Ive Team Up; Voice Dream Reader Missteps

0 Chuck Joiner, Dave Ginsburg, Ben Roethig, Jeff Gamet, Web Bixby, Eric Bolden, Jim Rea, and Mark Fuccio discuss the potential collaboration between Sam Altman and Jony Ive for an AI-powered personal device, possibly backed by Lauren Powell Jobs, assessing the impact...
Chuck Joiner, Jeff Gamet, Guy Serle, David Ginsburg, Ji Rea, Brittany Smith, Andrew Orr

MacVoices #22010: MacVoices Live – New Year’s Objectives and Resolution; AirTag Tracking (1)

MacVoices Live! starts of 2022 with the panel talking about some New Year’s objectives (not resolutions), that include email management, delegating some tasks to be able to focus on others, and going paperless. Then,...
Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Jay Miller, Jim Rea, Jeff Gamet, Kelly Guimont, Andrew Orr, Mike Schmitz

MacVoices #21106: MacVoices Live! – The M1 iPad Pro’s Power and How You Might Use It (1)

This MacVoices Live! session starts with asking the panel who got what new hardware but then turns to an at-times contentious  discussion of iPadOS and software, what is missing, and what the panel wants....