MacNotables #1214: Dan Frakes Discusses Apple Rumor Burnout, Apple’s Influence and The Television Industry

Dan Frakes of Macworld is back with us to discuss an affliction that is affecting more and more: Apple rumor burnout. Dan explains why he pays so little attention to the rumor mill, the proliferation of apps that makes it harder than ever to keep up, and how he approaches that problem as a professional reviewer. Dan and host Chuck Joiner also talk about the far-reaching effect of Apple’s design excellence and what it has done to industries that have nothing to do with tech, as well as the already-disrupted state of the television industry, and why it is so ripe for even more by Apple.

This edition of MacNotables is sponsored by Smile, the makers of the new PDFpen for iPad.

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Chuck Joiner is the producer and host of MacVoices, MacVoicesTV, MacNotables and The MacJury, a group of shows and web sites that make up The MacVoices Group, and is part of MacLevelTen . You can catch up with what he’s doing by following him on Twitter, friending him on Facebook, or circling him on Google+.

Dan Frakes is a respected technology writer, book author, and editor, as well as an authority on digital media (including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad) and consumer audio. He is currently Senior Editor and the “Mac Gems” columnist at Macworld, where he also covers the Mac and iOS platforms, general and mobile computing, digital media, and consumer audio. He was previously Senior Reviews Editor for Playlist magazine and Website (now part of Macworld proper), and at various times an Editor, Contributing Editor, and columnist for

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