Orta Therox, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #14168: AltConf – The Transition to Swift for Users and Coders with Orta Therox

At AltConference 2014 in San Francisco, programmer Orta Therox of Artsy talks about what Apple's new programming language, Swift, will mean for end users and coders alike. This edition of MacVoices is brought to you...
Chuck Joiner, Julio Ojeda-Zapata

MacVoices #14001: Julio Ojeda-Zapata On the iPad’s Productivity and ‘The Mobile Writer’

In his new book, The Mobile Writer, Julio Ojeda-Zapata talks about why the iPad has turned the corner, and now should be considered a serious productivity tool. Part interviews with high-profile users, part personal...
Chuck Joiner, Ted Landau

MacVoices #14043: Ted Landau On Bird Games, Plagiarism and Windows Criticism

Ted Landau is angry with Angry Birds, mystified by the Flappy Bird furor and in favor of The Beatles. Find out what he thinks of the high-profile Windows criticism, talks about some personal experiences...
John Grzeskowiak, Dr. Robert Carter, Chuck La Tournous, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15173 – The MacJury Evaluates The First Weekend with iOS 9

The MacJury spent the first weekend with iOS 9 working with some of their favorite features, getting used to the many changes and update Apple made to their mobile operating system. Topics on the...
Kyle Kinkade, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #13150: AltWWDC – Kyle Kinkade Introduces Eggscellent And Talks About His Varied Background

At AltWWDC in San Francisco, developer Kyle Kinkade  discusses talks about the playful nature of his new productivity app,  Eggscellent, and how his very varied background in games and children's interactive books influences his...