Jennifer Lynn, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #1346: Macworld 2013 – Hyper Shows iUSBport and Cameramator

At  Macworld/iWorld 2013  in San Francisco, Jennifer Lynn of Hyper shows us the  iUSBport, a device that bridges the gap between your USB storage and wireless devices, and the Cameramator, a device that lets you...
Simon Walker, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #15108: SuperMeet – Simon Walker Covers Updates and News From Red Giant

At the Las Vegas SuperMeet, Simon Walker  of Red Giant Software talks about the updates to the Magic Bullet Suite that give it hardware acceleration to help you get more done faster, the capabilities...

MacVoices #794 – Jay Nelson of Design Tools Monthly Talks About the New Design Tools Weekly Podcast, Planet Quark, Pages, PDFs and More

Jay Nelson of Design Tools Monthly reports in for the first time as the new MacVoices' graphics expert, reporting on the world of graphics, desktop publishing, professional publishing and related topics. This time, Jay...
Oliver Breidenbach

MacVoices #11105: Oliver Breidenbach of Boinx Software Introduces iStopMotion for the iPad

Oliver Breidenbach of Boinx Software talks about the latest edition to their software catalog, iStopMotion for iPad. With a loyal following on the Mac, iStopMotion will be even more accessible on the iPad. Oliver...

MacVoices #892: Jay Nelson Previews the Features and Functionality of the New QuarkXPress 8

Design and desktop publishing guru Jay Nelson of Design Tools Monthly is back to talk about the new features of QuarkXPress 8. Jay discusses the design changes that make this new version "not your...