Dr. Robert Carter, Peter Cohen, Kelly Guimont, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #16198: The MacJury’s Holiday Gift Guide #1

The holiday season is officially here with the first of our annual MacJury holiday gift guide panels. From iOS apps to audio gear, Apple products to legos, over sixteen terrific great recommendations for products...
Katie Floyd, Don McAllister, Charles Edge, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #16171: MacJury Deliberations On The “See On The 7th” Apple Event

After a few hours to contemplate the evidence, The MacJury convened to analyze and examine the announcements of Apple's “See You On The 7th” event. Discussing the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, The...
Chuck Joiner, Josh Centers

MacVoices #16094: Josh Centers Takes Control of Apple TV Again

Josh Centers  is back with Take Control of Apple TV, Second Edition, the guide to your new 4th generation set-top device. Josh looks at the best features, names some of his favorite apps, and...
Chuck Joiner, Shelly Brisbin

MacVoices #16082: Shelly Brisbin Revises and Expands iOS Access for All

Shelly Brisbin  has updated and expanded iOS Access for All, bringing it to the third edition, and addressing changes and updates in iOS 9. She discusses some of the changes and improvements in this...
Chuck Joiner, Stanislas Chesnais of 3DRudder

MacVoices #16056: CES – Move In Virtual Reality With Your Feet With 3DRudder

At  ShowStoppers  at CES in Las Vegas, we dip into virtual reality in a different way…with our feet. 3DRudder  gives you movement control over your virtual environment using their unique and intuitive foot controller....