MacNotables #911: Ted Landau Discusses Online Backup Services and Analyzes Apple and Microsoft Advertising

Ted LandauMac troubleshooting legend Ted Landau and host Chuck Joiner engage in an admittedly gratuitous discussion of the sparring going on in Apple and Microsoft advertising before moving on to their personal experiences, good and not always good, with online backup services. If you don’t have an off-site backup as part of your strategy, you need to hear about their experiences and what to look for and look out for when making your choice.


Chuck Joiner on Twitter

Ted Landau on Twitter

Take Control of Your iPhone, Second Edition from Take Control ebooks

Say It Ain’t So: Microsoft Launching Its Own Version Of Twitter on CNN

Apple rolls out another clever banner ad on Macworld

Backblaze to the Rescue! by Ted Landau on The Mac Observer





Ted Landau’s User Friendly Blog on The Mac Observer

Mac 911 blog on Macworld

mac.column.ted: The non-Terminal users guide to not using Terminal by Ted Landau on MacFixIt