Barry Fulk, Jackie Dove, John Voorhees, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #16204: The MacJury’s Holiday Gift Guide #6

Thought all the great gift ideas were gone? You would be wrong. Picks range from stocking stuffers to some that won’t fit under the tree..or in the living room. Virtual reality, iOS apps, headphones and...
Chuck Joiner, Shelly Brisbin

MacVoices #16082: Shelly Brisbin Revises and Expands iOS Access for All

Shelly Brisbin  has updated and expanded iOS Access for All, bringing it to the third edition, and addressing changes and updates in iOS 9. She discusses some of the changes and improvements in this...
Chuck La Tournous, Peter Cohen, Rob Walch, Chuck Joiner

MacVoices #14042: The MacJury Delivers Some New Product Picks for February

Everyone loves product picks, so we're going to make that a more regular thing on The MacJury. From the great outdoors to the great indoors, from sound to video and all points in between,...
Chuck Joiner, Stanislas Chesnais of 3DRudder

MacVoices #16056: CES – Move In Virtual Reality With Your Feet With 3DRudder

At  ShowStoppers  at CES in Las Vegas, we dip into virtual reality in a different way…with our feet. 3DRudder  gives you movement control over your virtual environment using their unique and intuitive foot controller....
Chuck Joiner, Joe Kissell

MacVoices #14210: Joe Kissell Explains Digital Sharing for Apple Users

Joe Kissell has a unique new offering this time around:  Digital Sharing for Apple Users: A Take Control Crash Course helps the Apple technology-centric individual share all sorts of things. Because “sharing”can mean many...